Thursday, March 28, 2013

A few thoughts...

It's 10:15am on Thursday the 28th here in Sevilla, and I am trying to "catch up" on blogging from the past week.  MY FAMILY COMES TOMORROW and I am literally STOKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Before I post any pictures, I wanted to share some thoughts that are on my mind right now.  First of all, I'm just kind of bummed because my camera is still in the shop.  I went last Wednesday to ask about when it would be ready (I took it in on February something??!! and they said it would take 10 days), and the guy said that his dad--the one who fixes the cameras--is sick and everything is delayed.  Wow, Mary Carr, quit being so selfish.  Someone's dad is sick and you're sad that you don't have your 'nice' camera back to use on your trips.  And so I went back to the camera store yesterday afternoon when I got back to Sevilla, and the shop was closed for Holy Week.  I was fighting tears as I walked back to Cristina's because I was just so bummed that my camera wouldn't be ready when my family was here.  But it's HOLY WEEK...and stores are closed to celebrate Jesus.  Come on, Mary Carr, take yourself out of it and fix your eyes on the cross.  And reason #2 I'm kind of bummed is because I can't find my train ticket for Madrid for tomorrow morning.  I AM POSITIVE that I printed them out last week and I know exactly where I put them...and they are not there.  My only hunch is that I accidentally threw them out when I was trying to organize my green folder yesterday before my flight back home.  But, my point with these two little stories is that it is so easy to be frustrated and discouraged when we are so fixated on ourselves....the little details in our lives that can consume us....the temporary things that only satisfy us for minutes at a time.  The Lord is CONSTANTLY working on my heart to remind me to LOOK UP...and LOOK TO HIM.

'Mary Carr, I am so much bigger, and I always know better than you.  Just TRUST ME.  Just TRUST ME.  Just TRUST ME.  Can you do that?  Please!!!  Just TRUST ME.'

And I fall back on my knees and try to trust Him.  Lord, I know you have my camera still in the shop because you are trying to teach me patience.  But I'm not so sure why you had me misplace my train ticket the day before I need it!!!  And what I'm learning is that it is OKAY to not always know what He is doing in our lives....we will drive ourselves crazy if we try to understand His ways.  Because He is WAY BIGGER and WAY GREATER than our silly little human minds...and we just need to TRUST!!!

"Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God."  1 Peter 5:6

1 comment:

  1. MC! I have loved loved loved reading your blog throughout your trip! It has been so fun to follow along with where all you are going and what the Lord has been teaching you! I have laughed so hard at some of your posts and realized just how much I miss you and your crazy-ness! I hope you have the best time with your family! I talked to your mom briefly at the RAKTC weekend in Charleston, and she was telling me all about how they were coming to see you! I hope you have a great week :)
