Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day #21: January 29, 2013

 Maggie and I went shopping today after class!  While we were in the basement of what we thought was a cute boutique, we came across this dentist office chair.  WHATTT???!!  Not too sure why it was there, but at least it was a reason for a funny pic...
 Passed by this store (sadly didn't go in) while walking around at the mall, and it reminded me of the one and only ZANY BRAINY!!!!
 I can hear Dad right now, "Mary Carr, that looks like an accident waiting to happen..."
Yep, that's right, I had my backpack in the front basket of my bike, and my Carolina blue water bottle took a tumble...almost into this intersection.  It didn't get crushed, thank goodness, but I just don't think MCA + bicycle + backpack = a smart idea!!! 
 And then two seconds later, these sweet Spanish girls (probably around 19-20 years old) stopped me to let me know that my sweater was caught in my back wheel.  WOW...can't you see it now...my sweater unraveling completely over the 20-minute course of my bike ride across town.  I was so appreciative of the girls...and sure enough, I tied my sweater around my stomach...so it looked like one of those shirts DJ used to wear in "Full House." 
The Lord is so good!!! What a special time I had this afternoon with these friends:  Bekah, Mackenzie, and Meredith.  And somehow the Starbucks here in Sevilla still has RED CUPS!!! A taste of Christmas!!!  Just wish I could have ordered a peppermint mocha...
 Cristina was sporting a new sweater this afternoon when I got back from class.  And then she wanted to show me her other new black sweater that she bought this week. 
Can never get too many pictures with this hilarious lady...

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