Monday, January 28, 2013

Day #19: January 27, 2013

Not a very pretty picture...that's for sure.  But Cristina got the biggest kick out of my towel wrapped around my I let her take a picture (more like I encouraged her to take a picture so I could have the "memory" of her laughing).  And as I was looking for pictures to upload for today, I thought this had a special meaning:  the importance of rest.  What does it mean to take time for myself....and to rest in the Lord?  I am thankful that I am getting a taste of TRUE REST here in Sevilla.

It is in my nature to GO GO GO!!!  Why is it that I find a sense of accomplishment when I have "gotten a lot of things done"???!  I'm that girl who packs a zillion things in my backpack (and my friends can attest) just in case I have a spare second to check one more thing off my to-do list.  But hello, Mary Carr, that is not the purpose of life!!!  Thank goodness, I am finally realizing that I do NOT need to measure my value in the things I do, but rather WHO I AM in Christ.  This lifestyle here in Spain has helped me figure out how to relax, and I have learned now more than ever before that my identity is in Christ, rather than my accomplishments.  I still have mountains to climb, but I am thankful that He is continuing to reveal His true character to me by teaching me how to REST IN HIM. 

"Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things.  But OUR citizenship is in HEAVEN. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ."  Philippians 3:19-20



    love you mca :) much love from CH!

  2. Your blog seriously makes my day when I read it. It's like clicking on a 3-D real-life MC!!!! I MISS YOU SO MUCH! Keep up the good work of enjoying and getting 110++++% out of this precious experience. xoxoxo Love you.
