Monday, January 21, 2013

Day #13: January 21, 2013

Wanted to begin by sharing that I GOT LOST today while I was out running on my own.  Wow, big shocker, Mary Carr...LOST???!! NO WAY!!! LOL But don't worry, it was broad daylight and I was in the nice area of town.  Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera to snap a shot of my face when I realized I had NO IDEA where I was.  And I also wish I had a picture of the sweet lady who helped me understand that I was a few minutes away from the river (and once I found the river, I had my bearings...PHEW)!! The lady looked just like a typical elementary school librarian...sweet, round, simple hair, and willing to lend a helping hand to a student in need AKA me!!!
 Maggie and I took a little stroll through a quaint area of Sevilla.  I tried to be artsy while capturing a few shots.  Please forgive me if the lighting isn't right...I'm no pro photographer!!!
 Gotta love the orange trees!!! (They are EVERYWHERE here in Sevilla!!!)
 The lonely tree...
 Chillin with my hands in my pockets (Starbridge Studios, anyone??)...
 Love the beautiful sky in the background!!!
And take a look...Mr. Green Backpack is still going strong here in Sevilla.  After my 5 o'clock class, we headed to the mall to check out some sales.  Four of us squeezed into two tiny changing rooms and the backpack kept us great company!!!
AHHH breaking news. I'm sitting here on my bed typing this post and Cristina just walked in!  She does our laundry for us every Monday, and she was so confused by all my mismatching socks!  Thought this video would give you a few giggles!!! She mentions "the mother sock" and "the father sock"...but she doesn't quite get the fact that I wear the red socks together even though they are two different sizes and designs!!! Take a look...

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