Thursday, February 7, 2013

Day #30: February 7, 2013

 The trash in Sevilla is out of control.  The garbagemen are actually on strike right now, so they are refusing to collect the trash.  Yes, it does make for a stinky walk to school, but I can assure you that it is opening my eyes to the little things we take for granted every day.  
Thank you, Dad, for setting such a great example of how to treat EVERYONE with respect.  
From the garbagemen who keep our cities the schoolbus drivers who transport precious the cashiers who bag our the doctors that keep us healthy...
EVERYONE'S ROLE is important!!!
 Cristina was a little confused about the heater today at lunch...she kept going on and on about how it wasn't working properly. 
 Maggie and I have come to appreciate all types of food here...including these MYSTERY MEAT HUSHPUPPY THINGAMABOBS (blast from the past vocabulary)!!!
 The heater:  still not working...
Sweet story about this picture:  My literature teacher, Coro, who I just LOVE, always wears the coolest jewelry...literally a different pair of earrings every day!  While we were getting coffee with her on Monday, I complimented her on her jewelry and she smiled.  Later in the conversation, she brought up the fact that I must love pictures since I am always whipping out my camera.  I nodded and explained how I try to "capture every moment."  Today, before our test, she came over to my seat with her camera and told me that she took a picture of her jewelry just for me.  After the test, she let me upload it onto my computer so I'll always have the memory of Coro's fun jewelry!!!
She literally is a GEM (no pun intended)!!!
Two peas in a pod...

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